Italian artist
Lives in Italy
The Schwab Beaubourg gallery is pleased to present for the first time in France the work of the great Italian painter Sergio Padovani. Born in Modena in 1972, he lives and works in this city. Expressing himself first through music, he turned to painting in 2007, with such strength, originality and talent that he was able to participate in the Venice Biennale four years later. Since then he has exhibited in the largest Italian cities, from Milan to Palermo, via Padua, Modena, Ferrara, Bologna, Rome. He has won several painting awards and his works are included in various international collections. His only subject is man, in his complexity, his madness, his suffering. His inspiration and style are reminiscent of those of Hieronymus Bosch, and this with a rare technique, since he mixes oil, bitumen and resin, which gives his paintings depth, velvety, charm. exceptional. He is an artist who transcends eras. With a medieval sensitivity and a contemporary vision, he challenges current artistic conventions by drawing inspiration from the masters of the past. His paintings project us into the heart of present torments, showing a humanity marked by despair but also beauty and harmony. These are complex stories where the sufferings of the soul and the mysteries of the universe intertwine. Exploring the big questions that concern us, such as the meaning of life, the quest for the sacred or the confrontation with death, they become meditations on the relationship between earth and sky, on conflicts and exchanges between cultures. When we contemplate his paintings (on canvas, wood, copper or paper), when we examine their details, when we understand their meaning, we plunge with delight into a fascinating universe, of great beauty, which moves and questions. Sergio Padovani is recognized today as one of the greatest contemporary Italian figurative painters
Expositions personnelles
2024 - Musées San Salvatore in Lauro, Rome
Musée San Paolo, Modène
Fondation The Bank, Bassano del Grappa (VI)
2021 - "Les fous habitent le sacré" Fondation Stelline, Milan
2020 - "WAW!" Arte Contemporanea, Milan
2019 - "L’Invasion" The Bank Contemporary Art Collection, Bassano del Grappa
2017 - "Sanctimonia" Musée Pinacoteca, Imola
2014 - "Mort des Muses" Officina della Memoria e dell’Immagine, Fiuggi
2012 - "Eine Kleine Nachtmusik" Galerie Wannabee, Milan
2011 - "Vos ombres ressemblent à des guillotines" Galerie Sourmilk Art, Milan
2009 - "Ton corps est la douce avilissement" Salle Truffaut, Modène
2008 - "Aucune résurrection pour les enfants méchants" Le Regard de l’Autre, Modène
Expositions collectives
2023 - "Peinture Secrète" Fondation The Bank, Bassano del Grappa
"Vertige de la liste" Galerie Diorama, Rome
"Inventarium" Reial Cercle Artistic, Barcelone
2022 - "La Forme de la Beauté, la grande peinture de la figuration italienne" Collection d'Art Contemporain The Bank, Gualdo Tadino
2021 - "Ultra-Romantisme" Forteresse de Vignola, Vignola
"À revoir les étoiles" Musées Civiques Eremitani, Padoue
2020 - "PAM ! Privatissima" Galerie d’Art Contemporain du Palais Ducal, Pavullo
"Peintres Fantastiques dans la Vallée du Pô" PAC Padiglione Arte Contemporanea, Ferrare
"La Captivité du Moi" Galerie d’Art Contemporain du Palais Ducal, Pavullo (MO)
"Mors in Fabula" L’Arca degli Esposti, Palerme
2019 - "ArtVerona 2019" Galerie d'Art Contemporain Federico Rui, Vérone
"Dessin Sculpture Peinture" Galerie Ossimoro, Spilamberto, Modène
"Wopart" Galerie d'Art Contemporain Federico Rui, Suisse
2018 - "L'Art qui protège" Palazzo dei Capitani del Popolo, Ascoli Piceno
2017 - "Mondes Fantastiques" Palais Zacco, Raguse
2016 - "Oscar Wilde : Le Prince Heureux et Autres Contes" Galerie RvB, Rome
2015 - "Le Temps de l’Art" Galerie Estense (Palais des Musées), Modène
2014 - "Aliens. Les formes aliénantes du contemporain" Maison d’Arioste, Ferrare
2013 - "Tout est un crime immobile" Galerie The Format, Turin
2012 - "Passé Futur" Musées Civiques de Bassano del Grappa
"Quadratonomade" Palais des Expositions, Rome
2011 - "54e Biennale de Venise" Pavillon Italie, Palais Nervi, Turin
"La Vie est une Blague" Vente aux enchères Christie's, Milan
2017 Prix excellents peintres-brazzale "œuvre la plus belle de 2017"
2016 Finaliste du concours international World Wide Kitsch
2010 Prix arte laguna, Venise
Gagnant du prix Arte laguna section peinture
Gagnant du prix spécial galleria Wannabee
Prix combat, finaliste, Livourne
Prix celeste 2010, sélectionné pour le catalogue, Catan
2009 Prix Yicca
2007 Prix Arte, Milan
Collection d'Art Contemporain The Bank
Œuvres permanentes, Bassano del Grappa (VI)
Musée Diocésain et Pinacothèque d'Imola
Œuvre permanente, Imola
Musée d'Art Contemporain de Catane
Œuvre permanente, Catane
Musée en plein air
Œuvre permanente, Camo
Musée Ruggi d'Aragona.
Œuvre permanente, Collection Quadratonomade, Château Normand-Souabe de Rende, Rende